
 07 4242 1111  
 12-16 Reservoir Road Manoora 4870

Monday to Friday  6:00am to 6:00pm

Welcome to Kindy Zone Manoora

At Kindy Zone Manoora we acknowledge each child’s individual needs and learning pathways to create a unique and inclusive program, where play-based learning is driven by child led and teacher-initiated actions. 
We are a Multicultural centre and are very proud of our emerging cultural program. We have a cultural leader who supports staff as they lead the cultural focus for each month, allowing us to explore many diverse cultures throughout the year. We also work collaboratively with children, families, and the wider community and are involved in can drives and clothes appeals throughout the year and are continually researching the best ways we can give to our community. At Kindy Zone Manoora we aim to provide your child and family with a wonderful experience of early childhood education and development.



Kindy Zone Manoora Gallery