Free Kindergarten Program
Both Kindy Zone centres offer Qld Government approved "FREE KINDERGARTEN" for ALL eligible children, for 15 hours per week for 40 weeks per year. Regardless of your family income, Kindergarten Sessions for ALL eligible children at this service are FREE for 15 hours per week for 40 weeks per year.
We operate an all year round fully licensed and accredited Queensland Government Kindergarten Program. Please see us to ensure your child is prepared and ready to attend any Queensland School.
Note: Families will still have out of pocket fees for all wrap around hours of care outside of the 15 hours per week free kindergarten program for 40 weeks per year.
Manoora: 2024 Statement of Fees & 2024 Term Dates
Mt Sheridan : 2024 Statement of Fees & 2024 Term Dates
Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines - Learning and Development Areas
The QKLG provides specifically for children’s learning across the year before starting school. It recognises that children bring with them diverse identities and backgrounds. It acknowledges that parents/carers are children’s first teachers and values the vital role families play in children’s lives and their ongoing learning. The term ‘families’ is used throughout the guidelines to recognise the range of people who take on parenting roles.
- Building a sense of security and trust
- Acting with independence and perseverance
- Building a confident self identity Connectedness:
- Building positive relationships
- Showing respect for diversity
- Showing respect for environments
- Building a sense of autonomy
- Exploring ways to be healthy and safe
- Promote ways to promote physical wellbeing
Active Learning:
- Building positive dispositions towards learning
- Showing confidence and involvement in learning
- Using technologies for learning and communication
- Exploring and expanding learning
- Exploring literacy in personally meaningful ways
- Exploring numeracy in personally meaningful ways